I have been enlightened and am now excited about using technology in the classroom.  Technology should be a large part of learning within the classroom.  Everything is at the touch of the finger, and can be manipulated to fit the learning agenda.  It almost makes me wonder what it was like before technology, even though I know.  The use of technology will prove to be a very important tool while I teach history at all levels.  I am quite taken by Adobe Spark.  It is an asset that I can use to prepare my classes for lessons.  I am also very interested in virtual reality and using it in a history classroom will make that history come to life...very exciting.  Growing up, I was not exposed in school to technology because it was non-existent.  Today, with the use of technology, it makes the learning process easier and more dynamic.  I will continue to use, or investigate to use, all of the resources that have been presented during this educational technology class.  I am still skeptical about hybrid learning that is face-to-face.  It is too mechanical, and leaves the human aspect out of learning.  It also doesn't help build needed social skills.  I have always been interested in technology and the ability to successfully use it in the classroom for the betterment of my students.  I will never forget what I have learned, and will also continue my learning process in technology, so I can serve my students to the utmost.

Image may contain: ocean, sky, beach, outdoor, nature and water